Skulls & Flowers

Well, I’ve broken stride and did some actual ‘stuff’! You’ll see the cow skulls I’ve decorated so far. Still learning what to do and what looks good. My Parkinson’s limits what I can with my right hand, but the left is learning and is steadier than the right. A Huge thank you to our dear friends, Glenn and Sue Waller. They collected these skulls from their quite impressive ranch West of Artesia with more to come. It’s been great fun working on them and is the first real ‘production’ I’ve done since quitting…  I’ve known Glenn for OVER 60 years.  He’s a very dear friend.

You’ll see photos of Cat’s Mums and Morning Glories. She does such magnificent work in her gardens. I love helping her whenever I can. Next Spring early I’ll put in a bunch of roses in the back garden raised bed that we worked on to prepare.  Cat did a whole lot more than me to get it ready. She’s such a fun lady!  All we  have to do is dig the hole, add my secret sauce, and plant.  When I was in Alamogordo, NM in the early 1980’s my roses were enormous!

The old Ford truck is progressing. We visit it next week to see progress. I’ll take a few photos to show what it looks like now. Cat and I are Very anxious to bring it back home. Stephen is such an expert – everything he does is right or it’s not done.

We have a son in San Antonio, TX that needs a job. Anyone knowing about something – put a little salt on it and I’ll let him know. He is a magnificent chef – and Everything else….. Hook him up working and I’ll make you all the weaving tools you ever want for your personal use…..


Judy’s Tapestry

Here is a great example of a tapestry on one of my little looms by Judy Anderson of Goodlettsville Tennessee! Isn’t this neat or what! Judy is a friend from HGA in the past. I appreciate her sharing this really nice photo.
STILL working on organizing my shop after so long of ‘nuttin. I’m almost to the point of actually making things again. Again – for FUN only. Stuff coming up like delinquent dealers paying bills….. Who would have thought this in the fiber world? The old Ford pickup continues to advance in reassembly with all the new parts… Cant’ wait!
Rain is a blessing and we’ve really been blessed. The shop has now 4 new leaks. Gotta wait on our roofer who’s very busy. Plumbing issue yesterday – the air cooler froze up – the former plumber had incorrectly installed a pulley and it finally said WHOA! New one did justice and we’re cool-able again. Today is quite cool so no more today.
Heard from the oldest boy yesterday. Hard time finding a job in San Antonio. We sure miss the kids – all in their 40’s now. The Grandboy, Issac, is about to turn 14! Great school reports, grew 6″ in the past very few months and gained two shoe sizes this summer. He’s as tall as his Dad now!
Hang in there and enjoy life every moment, dear ones.
