Last Inkle

Jim's Art Inkle Loom 003Here is my very last inkle loom.  My LAST one.  I’ve just lost my “fun” factor in making these tools and will not make another.  This one is constructed of very nice Bloodwood for the frame and base – the pegs and tensioner are of Blue Mahoe.  I’ve been pigeon holing the Blue Mahoe for about 15 years – and still have about 20 BF of 8/4 and full 4/4.  Other projects to come.  The tensioner adjuster is a very old white porcelain door knob!  I’m very proud of this piece.  Hundreds of my inkles are the basis of projects around the country.

I’ve been really out of commission for several weeks due to respiratory issues – flu-like stuff.  Solid rest for three weeks and good medication has helped.  My abbreviated thumb (table saw incident) is near healed finally.  I’ve been in the shop some for the past very few days and it’s exhausting.  I still have so little energy and tire so easily.  The shoulder is healing well and am released from additional visits to Dr. Franco – the orthopaedic magician!  The shoulder is about 75% now, I believe.  Little strength, but no pain either.

Cat is also recovering from the respiratory stuff.  Such a pair we are!

We’re so looking forward to getting back on our bikes.  Cat’s trike is recently back from very major electrical work and is perfect!

A new price list is eminent.  I’ll be eliminating many items and changing prices of some.  My show schedule is zero right now – the physical demands of shows are far too much for me right now. Time will tell.  I’ve failed miserably filling all of the work demands, hence such revision of what I’ll schedule doing.  The honor I feel every day with people wanting to buy my work is really gratifying.  I’m an old coot and gotta slow down.

Regarding help for  me with small tools and so on – just isn’t going to work out.  So, I vision a time in the not too distant future where I’ll really really retire.  I’m saddened that my business will fade.

Tomorrow I hope to complete a cabinet for Cat!  She wants a riser for a very old family cedar chest – and she chose me to help!
